GET TO KNOW GRAND JUNCTION’S Local Auto Repair Shop with Heart

Antonelli's Advanced Automotive was originally started by Mark and Andrea Faudre as Advanced Automotive in the early 1990s. After working at the shop for six years, Daniel (and Sandi) Antonelli bought the business in 1997, and appended the name with their own. With quality work, part-time clerical help, and loyal customers, Antonelli’s flourished as a one-man operation for several years.


However, we eventually outgrew our original location, and moved to our current address on Bonny Street in November of 2007. The facility had three bays with two vehicle lifts installed, but we continued to expand, requiring us to make substantial changes to the building in 2010. Plus, we added two more technicians and a service writer, truly bringing Antonelli’s Advanced Automotive into a new era. In 2015, we were able to purchase our building and the adjoining lot, increasing our size to five lifts and 6,000 square feet of facility and parking lot space.

Antonelli's Advanced Automotive's Mechanics

While growing up, I was given the old family car with “issues”. My friend and I redid the engine, got it to run again, and almost immediately, I drove that car to Phoenix where I attended the Phoenix Institute of Technology to learn the mysteries of the automobile. After I returned home to Grand Junction, I was employed as a technician, and have worked on cars ever since. As a shop owner, I love seeing my customers well-served by our staff, and in turn, having a staff that is learning life-lessons and moving forward in their own endeavors.

-Dan Antonelli, Owne

